Thursday, December 24, 2009

Dr. Aaron Lerner: Israel moving to wartime footing?

Israel moving to wartime footing? Netanyahu invites Livni to join unity government

Dr. Aaron Lerner

Date: 24 December 2009

Israel Radio reports

That Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu invited opposition leader MK Livni to join in a national unity government in the same way that Menachem Begin joined the government before the 1967 Six Day War. Under the proposal, Kadima would join the government with a number of ministers without portfolio. Livni said she would get back with a response.

The news came just as Israel was rocked by news that a group of Kadima MKs may split from Kadima and join the coalition.

It would appear that the formation of such a national unity government indicates that Israel is facing a catastrophic situation.

It would be a stretch to think that something having to do with Palestinian – Israeli relations could possibly qualify for such a move.

The obvious explanation: Iran!

Dr. Aaron Lerner is a highly respected political analyst and the director of IMRA (Independent Media Review & Analysis). He can be reached at